SWFL Clinic Schedule

May 30th

Registration and dinner provided 5 PM to 6 PM, Keynote speaker 6 PM
Sessions 1 through 3: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM

May 31st

Late registration, coffee and pastries: 9:30 AM to 10 AM
FCA/athletes in action: 10 AM to 10:20 AM
Session 1 through 4:  10:30 AM to 2:15 PM
Lunch provided 2:15 PM

SoFlo Clinic Schedule

June 6th

Registration and dinner provided 5 PM to 6 PM, Keynote speaker 6 PM
Sessions 1 through 3: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM

June 7th

Late registration, coffee and pastries: 9:30 AM to 10 AM
FCA/athletes in action: 10 AM to 10:20 AM
Session 1 through 4:  10:30 AM to 2:15 PM
Lunch provided 2:15 PM